Kadiskominfo Jatim Serahkan SK pada 10 PPPK Tenaga Teknis Formasi Tahun 2023
Jatim Newsroom – Sepuluh orang Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) Tenaga Teknis Formasi Tahun 2023 yang diterima di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Timur (Kominfo Jatim) menerima Surat Keputusan (SK) Kontrak Kerja, pada Kamis (2/5/2024). SK Tersebut, diserahkan Kepala Dinas Kominfo Jatim, Sherlita Ratna Dewi Agustin, dalam agenda Penghadapan PPPK, di Lt. 2, Ruang Argopuro, kantor Dinas Kominfo Jatim, Surabaya. Kesepuluh PPPK Tenaga Teknis itu ialah, Abdul Basthit Ar Rido dari Biro Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa, Harry Putera Pamungkas dari Kominfo Jatim, Farchan Ashar Mahendra dari Biro Administrasi Pimpinan, Achmad Muhadjir dari Kominfo Jatim, Ramadhany Krismaliq Sjamdra dari Biro …
These Stores Have the Best Return Policies in Retail
L.L.Bean ended its legendary lifetime return policy to clamp down on customers who were taking heavily worn products. …
How to Construct a New Invisible Hand
We consider all the drivers of change – from the ground up and we’ll motivate and support you to make the change. …
Putin, Trump, and the Nuclear Danger
The idea that a low-yield nuclear weapon would be seen as different from a higher-yield nuclear weapon shows a complete lack of understanding of how information promulgates in the world. …
Seeking Reader Sightings on the State of Flyover
The US is a large and often very disparate country, yet the parts we hear about the most are the parts that are most the same. …